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Old 03-25-2015, 07:26 PM   #3
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
December 1445
Current Mission: Royal Marriage with Pattani

Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Pattani. The previous one ended with Raja Ibrahim's murder.

Mission Complete!
Royal Marriage with Pattani!

Gain 5 prestige (34)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

Current Mission
Create a Proper Fleet
Objective: Totaly navy size at least 75% of the Force Limit

January 1446
A diplomat has been sent to Pasai to fabricate a claim on Rokan province.

The Malaccan Subjugation of Siak
Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared war on Siak with the pretense of taking the province of Lingga. However, the Sultan's real plan is to subjugate Siak and vassalize them. This makes them the perfect outpost for wars with Pasai and eventually Pagarruyung.

February 1446
Another Infidel!
A low-ranking official in our government has distinguished himself and proven to be a very administrator. He may be deserving of a promotion, but there is one problem – he is not a Muslim. All attempts to force his conversion have been met with failure, and there are many who demand his immediate dismissal.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah is not his dead brother. He will not trust the infidel. He has been dismissed.
Gain 25.00 Piety
Lose 25 Administrative Power

March 1446
All of Siak's provinces are currently under siege from Malaccan forces.

April 1446
We have spent 108 administrative power to gain back 1 stability (-1).

June 1446
A diplomat has been sent to Pattani to improve relations.

November 1446
Peasants Getting Uppity
At times when peasants experienced harsh subjugation, some of them would turn against their landlords demanding better treatment and conditions.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah merely shrugs his shoulders. He is at war, these things happen.
Lose 10 Legitimacy (81)

Siege Victory!
After 273 days we have won the siege of Lingga!

After 303 days we have won the siege of Siak!

December 1446
Core Gained
The province of Kedah is now considered a core and part of our patrimony.

January 1447
Casus Belli
We have gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Pasai. They hold provinces that belong to us.

Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Jambi after 335 days!

End of the Malaccan Subjugation of Siak (January 1446 – January 1447)
The glorious Sultan Muzaffar Shah, conquerer of Kedah and mighty overlord of Siak has reached a peace agreement with the humble Emir Tsau-Lha of Siak.

Siak will become a vassal of Malacca.
Siak will pay 50 ducats.
With the Conquest Casus Belli Malacca gains 5.0 prestige (41) and suffers 10.7 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

February 1447
Royal Marriage
We have entered a marriage with our vassal of Siak.

The Malaccan Subjugation of Pasai
Now that Siak is his springboard, the land hungry Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared war on Pasai, once again using a claim on a province as a pretext for vassalization of the entire country.

July 1447
Pagarruyung have declared war on Pasai. Getting in on the fun.

September 1447
We have spent 100 administrative power to bring our stability to even. (0)

February 1448
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Rokan after 331 days!

June 1448
We have used 100 administrative power to boost our stability by one. (+1)

August 1448
Mission Complete!
Create a Proper Fleet!

Gain 5.0 navy tradition
Gain 5 Prestige (43)

Current Mission
Accumulate Money!

October 1448
Pagarruyung has won their siege on Pasai's Batak province.

Meanwhile, we are holding Deli and Peureulak under siege, while Siak sieges Pasai province.

November 1448
Siege Victory!
After 271 days we have won the siege of Deli!

Naive Relative
A close member of the family of our ruler has proven utterly naive, and keeps telling foreigners vital information publicly. This is technically treason, but executing a member of the royalty might cause unrest.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah feels no pity for family who play treason. Execute him!
Lose 25 Administrative Points

February 1449
A Donation
We have been approached by several imams who have asked for our financial support. Their own coffers are nearly empty, and they need more gold to aid their continuing efforts in providing spiritual guidance and charity to those in need.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah is not a heartless Khalifa. This is a worthy and laudable goal. The imams shall have their charity!
Gain 25 Piety
Lose 16.74 ducats (40.48)

March 1449
Siege Victory!
After 391 days we have won the siege of Peureulak!

December 1449
Mission Complete!
Accumulate Money!

Gain 10 Prestige (51)

January 1450
Siege Victory!
After 281 days we have won the siege of Gayo!

November 1450
Bendahara Tun Perak
Unlike the late Ibrahim (by now known as Abu Syahid Shah, the martyred king) our new ruler is a Muslim and the trader communities in our city seem to be more accepting of his rule. Nonetheless a royal Bendahara that would plot against his liege Is a frightening thing and we would be wise to replace this minister or risk meeting the same fate as his last master. Our trusted advisors all point to a young and successful general as a suitable replacement. Tun Perak is said to be wise for his years, but above all he is also said to be extremely loyal.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah has no trust for the Bendahara. He appoints a puppet to the position in order to marginalize it.
Gain 15 Prestige (64)
Gain 1 Stability (+2)

Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

Sultan Muzaffar Shah believes that a solution will present itself.
Lose 1 stability. (+1)

February 1451
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Pasai after 384 days!

End of the Malaccan Conquest of Pasai (February 1447 - February 1451)
The wise and venerable Sultan Muzaffar Shah has declared a peace between his unflappable people and the wilting, shrinking violets of lowly Pasai.

Pasai will cede Rokan to Malacca.
Pasai will become a vassal of Malacca.
This peace will cost Malacca 45 diplomatic power. With the Conquest Casus Belli, Malacca gains 9.5 Prestige (73) and suffers 19.5 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Fish

We have spent 36 administrative power to turn Rokan into a core.

Red and green, our vassals be.
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