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Old 04-04-2015, 02:57 PM   #18
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME

June 1525
Core Gained
The Andamans is now considered part of our patrimony.

July 1525
Diplomatic Technology Advance

We can develop better relations with neighboring countries by establishing embassies in their capitals, allowing our ambassadors to maintain permanent presence in their courts.

Bonus Efffect:
Can now build Embassy

August 1525
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Barito has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (58)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Spices

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Barito into a core province. It will take six months.

A Colonist heads for Banjar.

A Temple is under construction in the Andamans.

November 1525
Trade Success
Our merchant class is enjoying uncanny success around the world. Some say it is just random luck, but we care not, wealth is wealth regardless of how we come by it.
Malaya gets 'Trade Success' for five years, giving the following effect:
National Trade Income Modifer: +5.0%

Military Alliance
We have entered a military alliance with Delhi.

December 1525
A Temple is under construction in Karta.

January 1526
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Delhi.

Core Gained
Our province of Barito is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

May 1526
A Temple is under construction in Barito.

June 1526
Improvements in Trade Technology
Our merchants have picked up a few new concepts when it comes to handling trade, when they encoutered some foreign merchants. They think that with some investment to try it out, it will be very beneficial for Malaya in the long run.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din wants to spare no expenses.
Gain 0.50 inflation
Gain 50 diplomatic power

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Ilocos that the climate in combination with the fertile land makes the province a highly suitable area for tea production.
Tea will now be produced in Ilocos.

We have sent a diplomat to fabricate a claim on Ayutthaya's Marit province.

October 1526
A Temple is under construction in Cirebon.

June 1527
A Temple is under construction in Kawali.

July 1527
A diplomat has been sent to Ayutthaya to fabricate a claim on Kakhon Thung Yai province.

November 1527
A diplomat has been sent to Brunei to fabricate a claim on Kutai province.

February 1528
A Temple is under construction in Pajang

April 1528
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Maldives that the land is immensely fertile and would serve extremely well for most kinds of spices like pepper, ginger, nutmeg, chili or cinnamon.
Spices will now be produced in Maldives.

May 1528
Native Assimilation in Ilocos
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional population, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Ilocos.
Gain 100 population in Ilocos (781)

June 1528
Tropical Wood
We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Banjar that the deense forests of the province are full of a rare an exceptionally beautiful type of wood.
Tropical Wood will now be produced in Banjar.

Hardy Seamen
Our traditional fisheries are proving excellent grounds for recruiting sailors for our fleet. This has filtered through into better leadership in our navy.
Gain 10.0 navy tradition.

July 1528
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Barito.

November 1528
A diplomat has been sent to Khmer to improve relations.

February 1529
Expansion Ideas Advance
Improved Shipyards

To defend our interests around the globe we will require a strong fleet. We must ensure our shipyards can produce ships as quickly as possible to replace any losses we may suffer.

Bonus Effect:
Shipbuilding Time: -10.0%

May 1529
A diplomat has been sent to Baluchistan to improve relations.

June 1529
Colony Self-Sustaining
Our colony in Ilocos has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.8 Prestige (53)
Base Tax: 2.8
Production: Tea

We have spent 7 Administrative Power to turn Ilocos into a core province. It will take six months.

A Colonist heads for Bikol.

October 1529
We have maxed relations with Khmer.

We have sent a diplomat to Golden Horde to improve relations.

December 1529
Core Gained
Ilocos is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

April 1530
A Herald from Lan Xang
The great statesman Kham Tam Sa I Khun Lo of Lan Xang has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

June 1530
Unhappiness Among the Merchants
Conflict and protests over taxes, corporations, port duties, navy requisitions, trade and customs policies were quite frequent and often had counterproductive effects.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din gets rid of the troublemakers,
Lose 2.50 Mercantilism.

A Herald from Sulu
Sad news, the great statesman Azimuddin I Batara of Sulu has died. Our royal marriage has ended.

July 1530
Royal Marriage
We have entered a royal marriage with Sulu.

September 1530
Men of Science
Word continues to trickle into our realm of new innovative discoveries being made in Western Europe. In an effort not to fall behind, some of our officials have suggested using gold to lure a few of their learned men here. This would be a boon to our research, but the clergy would not look kindly on infidels wielding such inflfuence in our academic circles.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes Malacca is better off without those infidels.
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)

A Temple is under construction in Chaiya.

November 1530
A Temple is under construction in Bali.

Oh hai, India!
Come On You Irons!
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