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Old 04-04-2015, 03:38 PM   #19
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME

November 1530
Colonial Company Goes Bankrupt
One of our colonial ventures has run into serious financial trouble, if no action is taken the colonists could suffer.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to step in.
Lose -50.00 ducats (-40.02)

December 1530
Royal Marriage
We have entered a new royal marriage with Lan Xang.

April 1531
Mission Complete!
Our manpower reserves need to recover.

Gain 5 Prestige (54)
Gain 10.0 Army Tradition.

Current Mission
Turn Banjar into a city

An Earth Rampart is under construction in Tondo and Manila.

May 1531
An Earth Rampart is under construction in Pangasinan.

June 1531
The Malyan Subjugation of Brunei
Sultan Kamal ad-Din, always under pressure to prove himself as a military strategist has gone to finish his predecessor's work. Bring Brunei under Malaya's benevolent thumb.

July 1531
By mid-month Brunei's main army had been sent scattering from the province of Brunei, now held under siege by Malayan forces.

December 1531
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Maldives has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 2.2 Prestige (56)
Base Tax: 2.2
Production: Spices

We have spent 5 Administrative Power to turn Maldives into a core.

March 1532
Colony Self-Sustaining!
Our colony in Banjar has grown enough to become a city!
Gain 4.2 Prestige (59)
Base Tax 4.2
Production: Tropical Wood.

We have spent 13 Administrative Power to turn Banjar into a core. It will take 7 months.

Mission Complete!
Turn Banjar into a city

Gain 1 Base Tax in Banjar
Gain 16 manpower in Banjar.

A Colonist has been sent to Belitung.

April 1532
Siege Victory!
After 281 days we have won the siege of Brunei!

May 1532
Native Assimilation in Bikol
Some of the local natives have been assimilated into the colony's population. With the additional people, we have a lot bigger faith in the feasibility of Bikol.
Gain 100 population in Bikol (383)

June 1532
Core Gained
The province of Maldives is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

We have received reports from our colonial settlers in Bikol that the surrounding waters have a very rich supply of fish. Fish may be one of the most basic foods available but its nonetheless an important resource.
Fish will be produced in Bikol.

Merchants Worried About Lack of Protection
With our focus on free trade our merchants are concerned that they are not getting the support that they would get under a more mercantilist policy.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din believes there is something he can do.
Gain 1.00 Mercantilism
Lose 25 Diplomatic Power

Siege Victory!
After 365 days we have won the siege of Samarinda!

July 1532
We have maxed relations with Golden Horde.

August 1532
We have sent a diplomat to Yue to improve relations.

September 1532
A Colonist has been sent to Lombok.

Core Gained
The province of Banjar is now considered part of our patrimony. We shall defend it to the last drop of peasant blood.

November 1532
Siege Victory!
After 169 days we have won the siege of Jesselton!

May 1533
Siege Victory!
We have won the siege of Lehad Datu after 338 days!

September 1533
Siege Victory!
After 486 days we have won the siege of Kutai!

A prominent and outspoken government official recently transferred home from the diplomatic corps seems to have spent a little too much of his time abroad. He has returned to Malaya with some controversial ideas of how to interpret the words of the Prophet, and needless to say, this has provoked a lot of ire among the clergy. Several imams have declared the official a blasphemer and demand immediate action from the government.

Sultan Kamal ad-Din decides to burn him at the stake!
Gain 25.00 Piety (100.00)
Lose 10 Diplomatic Power

October 1533
Accommodation of Natives in Lombok
The local native population seems more accepting of our presence. This will have great benefits in the long run.
Natives in Lombok lose 1 ferocity.

Siege Victory!
After 323 days we have won the siege of Bulungan!

November 1533
A Temple is under construction in Banjar, Ilocos and Maldives.

January 1534
Siege Victory
After 247 days we have won the siege of Tarakan!

End of the Malayan Subjugation of Brunei (June 1531 – January 1534)
Brunei has finally accepted peace with Sultan Kamal ad-Din. Putting an end to 2 ½ years of fighting.

Brunei will cede Samarinda, Kutai, Berau, Bulungan, Tarakan, Lehad Datu and Jesselton to Malaya.
Brunei wll annul all treaties with Sulu.
Brunei will pay 43 ducats.
This peace will cost Malaya 225 diplomatic power.
Malaya gains 12.5 prestige (45)
Malaya suffers 24.7 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Tropical Wood

Base Tax: 2.0
Production: Fish

Lehad Datu
Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Spices

We have spent 250 Administrative Power to turn these provinces into cores. They will take anywhere from 13 months onward.

We are the Asian Pacific Superpower
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