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Old 07-07-2004, 05:01 PM   #111
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
"As i mentioned earlier, I grew up in the war-torn border towns of Rhylla. When i was but a boy I exemplfied a talent for killing. It first happened when he was 11 and killed 40 men with only a dagger, single handily turning the tide of the Rhyllan Civil War on the fields of Carellia. It was about 13 years ago that this battle occured. I was a student of arms for the great empire of Rhylla at the time, when a rather large religous sect decided that they could no longer tolerate our outlandish ideas about certain religious topics,such as warriors with honor going to a great hall and meeting with ancestors(or a field, our nation's various groups differ on this matter) The leader was a man by the name of Jans Hestokigan. He was a mentor of mine when i was younger, but had dissapeared without telloing us anything. They attacked us by complete suprise...i mean, who expects their own citizens to starts killing your other citizens. They had taken over most of the country, including out capital of Nastoria. The Rhyllan royal family retreated into the countryside, and eventually found themselves at my military academy. The rebels came hard and fast, and overwhelmed our lines. After taking down quite a few, we retreated into the inner walls. After a brief seige, they busted down the door and then hell broke loose. We were but young boys up against men twice our size. I watched as my friends were slaughtered, and much of what came next was a blur of rage. I was told afterwards that i stoof outside the door to the room the royal fmaily was in, and single-hadidly held off the Jinkaran rebels long enough for our leaders and wounded to escape out a secret passage. Left alone, i had to battle my way through their lines to escape, and in the process of doing so i killed my former mentor Hestokigan. I was awarded many titles and awards for this, but the shame of killing my mentor, even if it was just, was too unbearable. I left to live in the wilderness and vowed never to kill again." Dereth fought not to show emotion, despite this being the most traumtic day of his life. Dereth knew what men of this nature felt about emotion, especially from him after his past discussions and actions. "I also recieved this scar on my neck from the Fire Dragon of the Rhyllan Ice Mountains. The dragon had built its next on top of these cliffs that must have reached all the way up to the heavens! It had terrorized the countryside long enough when i made my home in the woods. I gathered a group of farmers, and using the lack behidn the cliffs snuck up of the monster. Knowing we didnt have enough fire to melt the mountain, or enough power to bring the dragon out of the air, we devised a plan to make it come to us. We built a massive hay "nest" and took it with us. When we came close, it attacked us in all its fury. We lit the fake nest on fire, and as predicted the dumb animal thought we had its own nest. It lowered to ground level to protect its nest and young ones we found later. With it on the earth, we hit it with everything we had. It claws caught my neck and cut me badly, but i still managed to climb onto its back. With this, it took off to shake me, but i continued holding on and attacking. After what seemed like an eternity, i managed a critical blow and brought the beast down. We were proclaimed as heroes of the wilderness, but i did not think anyone in the main cities knew of it. Shortly after though, i recieved word of Lady Del Vars invitation, and headed here. Whether it was my saving of the Royal Family or the slaying of the fiercest monster this side of Cranstone, i do not know what got me here. But i damn well know i aint leaving till i get some more food! Woman, bring me more, for now we feast like kings!"

"As for you jadrich, you wouldnt be here without some reason for the lady to want your services, what might you have done to earn this here "honor" we be having"
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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