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Old 11-07-2012, 09:25 PM   #55
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
Mission 11
Commanders Log 2015.05.07

The roar of the alarms reverberate through the complex as a UFO enters into the airspace. I prep a squad and we scramble the interceptor and it is a close call but it ends up dropping the UFO over Nigeria. It is a large scout class.

The squad that is sent out is:

Rk. Ches O'Peake
Cpl. Deacon Palmer (Support)
Lt. Shane Sexton (Sniper)
Sgt. Ren Snow (Heavy)
Lt. Roberto Lopez (Heavy)

As we land we start moving northwards towards the crash site and we instantly hear noise in the woods. We start moving slowly and then we have contact, 3 Floaters. They scramble right into Palmers line of sight, he quickly dispatches one on over watch and keeps an eye on the others. He moves up and takes out the 2nd one in the matter of seconds. Lopez sends a fusillade of bullets missing, but Ches takes out the third floater.

We start moving and setting up a perimeter on the UFO exit areas. We hear noise from within and are patient and willing to wait them out. They grow impatient and try to surprise us with 2 floaters launching and landing in the middle of the groups.

The entire squad was ready and rips it apart through a storm of bullets. Sexton then wheels around with his rifle and lines the others head up in his scope and he sees it disappear in a puff of gore.

We start to move into the UFO and Palmer comes into contact with one of the Outsiders as Vahlen calls it. He hits the alien and Sexton has it dead to sights and takes it out against Vahlens wishes. She isn't in the trenches so she doesn't get a say.

We secure the UFO and wait for the clean up crew.

6 Aliens killed without losing an operator or injury.

Palmer is promoted to Sgt while Ches is promoted to Squaddie Sniper.

The recovery team nets:

5 Floaters
35 Elerium
63 Alien Alloys
12 Weapon Frags
2 UFO Flight Computers
UFO Power Source
2 damaged UFO Flight Computers
Damaged UFO Power Source
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"

Last edited by MacroGuru : 11-07-2012 at 09:25 PM.
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