Thread: Crusader Kings
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Old 03-07-2017, 06:36 PM   #756
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Cary, NC
New DLC Monks and Mystics is out now - looks pretty cool - I especially like some really nice quality of life changes they added in the patch. Especially all these - some real winners here.

Intrigue screen[11]:

New decisions menu showing 6 decisions at once, rather than the old 4.
Ability to mark a decision as important or not, which will trigger its alerts
New tab My Plots, showing clearly who the target of each backed plot is
Prisoner mass actions (release, ransom, or execute all)
New buttons in Known Plots tab, to ask the plotter to end their plot, and ask to join to a plot
Improved events now showing the targets of plot when invited to join, or option to keep a plot secret when a plotter tries and fails to kill your spymaster due to them discovering their plot.
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