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Old 10-12-2010, 09:30 PM   #282
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Mays Landing, NJ USA
Round 2

Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

Some counter punches against Tsunemi Uoya
almost hit him as he moves away.

Mauricio Augosto leans forwards and tries to grapple with Uoya
DaddyTorgo shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.
Tsunemi Uoya pushes away DaddyTorgo trying to keep the fight at striking range
DaddyTorgo doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Tsunemi Uoya

The clock says 0:45 in the 2 round
The fighters are clinching.
DaddyTorgo doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Tsunemi Uoya embrace and tries to move away...
Tsunemi Uoya pushes DaddyTorgo forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.
Uoya doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Mauricio Augosto embrace and tries to move away...
Mauricio Augosto pushes Uoya forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

The clock says 0:55 in the 2 round
The fighters are clinching.
DaddyTorgo tries to dirty boxing while holds Uoya against cage
Uoya is unable to defend himself and receives some punches in the ribs.
Uoya doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Mauricio Augosto embrace and tries to move away...
Mauricio Augosto pushes Uoya forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Mauricio Augosto fakes a punch to Tsunemi Uoya ribs and the tries to trip him
Tsunemi Uoya loses balance and goes to the ground

Mauricio Augosto is in closed guard over Uoya
DaddyTorgo is in closed guard... Uoya tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Mauricio Augosto!

The clock says 1:25 in the 2 round
Tsunemi Uoya is in full mount over Mauricio Augosto
Mauricio Augosto tries to roll to his side and trap Tsunemi Uoya in his guard...
Mauricio Augosto gets his hip out and moves to full guard.

Tsunemi Uoya is in full mount over Mauricio Augosto
Mauricio Augosto tries to roll to his side and trap Tsunemi Uoya in his guard...
Mauricio Augosto gets his hip out and moves to full guard.

Tsunemi Uoya is in full mount over Mauricio Augosto
DaddyTorgo launch a few weak punches
Uoya blocks them effectively.

The clock says 2:00 in the 2 round
Tsunemi Uoya is in full mount over Mauricio Augosto
Mauricio Augosto tries to roll on the ground...
Uoya knows how to keep his adventage in the ground.
Poorly executed technique. Tsunemi Uoya looks to counter!
Pitty-pat punches from Uoya
They're bothering DaddyTorgo even though they aren't hurting him.
There is a small laceration on Mauricio Augosto's Forehead

Tsunemi Uoya is in full mount over Mauricio Augosto
Mauricio Augosto tries to roll to his side and get to half guard...
Mauricio Augosto creates enough space to control Tsunemi Uoya's leg.

Tsunemi Uoya is in half guard over DaddyTorgo
Tsunemi Uoya struggles not giving a chance to recover to his opponent
Tsunemi Uoya gets sloppy and Mauricio Augosto tries to take advantage...
DaddyTorgo tries an armbar from the bottom!
Tsunemi Uoya breaks the lock and moves himself to side control.

The clock says 2:30 in the 2 round
Tsunemi Uoya is in side mount over Mauricio Augosto
Tsunemi Uoya looks to mount Mauricio Augosto...
Mauricio Augosto takes advantage of his opponent's over commitment and traps him in full guard.

Tsunemi Uoya is in open guard over DaddyTorgo
Deep breaths from Mauricio Augosto who tries a hammer punch to Uoya ribs.
Uoya blocks those punches
DaddyTorgo clumsily fails here and it's time for Tsunemi Uoya to fight back!
Tsunemi Uoya tries to pass to half guard...
Mauricio Augosto's guard is too good and he fails to pass.
Herb Dean stand the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters continue the fight on his feet. You can hear how the people agreed with that decision.

Uoya and DaddyTorgo circles around the center of the cage.

The clock says 2:55 in the 2 round
Tsunemi Uoya has seen better days.
Tsunemi Uoya and DaddyTorgo engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Tsunemi Uoya is getting the best of the trade as he lands a few blows.

Uoya fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
DaddyTorgo sprawls and remains on his feet.

Both fighters circles around the center of the cage.

DaddyTorgo is holding Tsunemi Uoya left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Tsunemi Uoya loses balance and goes to the ground.

Mauricio Augosto is in side mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Mauricio Augosto looks to pass to mount...
DaddyTorgo slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Tsunemi Uoya.

Mauricio Augosto is in full mount over Tsunemi Uoya
Mauricio Augosto takes a deep breath as he pass his arm over Tsunemi Uoya shoulder and pushes his left arm againts the mat!
Tsunemi Uoya breaks that americana attempt!

The clock says 4:00 in the 2 round
Mauricio Augosto is in full mount over Tsunemi Uoya
DaddyTorgo goes for an armbar!
Tsunemi Uoya breaks the lock and pushes away Mauricio Augosto, who rolls over his back and get standing position.
Herb Dean halts the fight to stands up Mauricio Augosto. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. There people who are watching this in venue is cheering up the fighters.

Tsunemi Uoya attempts a sweep single...
Mauricio Augosto was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.

The clock says 4:20 in the 2 round
Some of the people here is booing!
DaddyTorgo and Uoya circles around the center of the cage.

Mauricio Augosto is slowing a bit the pace of the fight and circles around his opponent.
DaddyTorgo looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Tsunemi Uoya's punches
Uoya is in the receiving end of a great combo by DaddyTorgo.

DaddyTorgo and Uoya circles around the center of the cage.

The clock says 4:50 in the 2 round
Mauricio Augosto moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to Uoya's left thigh

Uoya wants to take the fight to his field and tries to clinch.
DaddyTorgo wants nothing of that and pushes Uoya.
Tsunemi Uoya gets sloppy and Mauricio Augosto tries to take advantage...
Solid shot from Mauricio Augosto to the body.
Uoya didn't like that.
Herb Dean tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
The round is for DaddyTorgo, who walks calmly to his corner.
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