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Old 02-21-2023, 07:57 AM   #195
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Aiden starts his spring season presented with a choice by the coach. The coach told him that he can choose to be on the A Team this spring and struggle to get playing time or he can choose the B team and get a ton of playing time and be the anchor. Aiden chose the B team and the coach made him feel like it was the right decision by saying that that was the right choice explicitly but then also adding this about playing with the A team when their's not a scheduling conflict. He also added that this would help Aiden develop (IMO get back to the path he was on) and then in the summer he'll come up to play on the A team again. While aiden is back on the plate finally he's not aggressive at the plate and not looking to attack the baseball. He's hesitant because we think he's still first looking to see if he's going to get hit. With this spring loaded down with Middle School ball and then B team baseball while getting a few opportunities to play with the A team I hope that the final vestiges of the PTSD will be wiped away. First MS game is this evening and then its heavy baseball for about 3 months. He's also sticking with A's and B's at the moment which is awesome.

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