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Old 02-16-2016, 06:25 AM   #258
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Sri Lanka Rankings Update

Anil Mehul -- 2nd singles(unchanged), 373rd to unranked doubles. Mehul's efforts are focused like a laser on the opportunity in front of him; getting to #1 would be the crowning achievement on a fine career.

Girish Girsh -- 6th to 5th singles, 374th to 385th doubles. Girsh is just three wins away from equaling last year's total, with plenty of action left. He's also the only player in the top dozen(Kinczllers at 13th) who is still getting demonstrably better. The gap to Marcek is still significant, and closing it at much as possible by the end of the year is job #1. Next year, he'll set his sights on the Big Three ...

Prakash Mooljee -- 698th to 461st singles, 1758th to 2174th doubles. The doubles results have stopped coming, he hasn't made it through qualifying lately, but that hardly matters. In singles, he still hasn't lost in 36 matches this year. It's just a case of getting enough points now, and he'll need to win a few more futures before making the challengers jump. It feels a smoother transition for him than Mehul and Girsh before him, partly because he's a little more athletic/developed, and partly because I learn a little bit each time I go through this. I'm still surprised at how smoothly it's gone though, he's been pushed a few times but so far, unbeaten in '43.

Manager Ranking -- 3rd(unchanged), 28.6k to 31.0k points. I'm pretty close behind #2 Hayato, and still expect to catch him by year's end.
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