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Old 08-03-2013, 08:21 PM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2009
Originally Posted by Ben E Lou View Post
Waiting is foolish. We need as many humans as possible banging away at the game to find the weak spots in a timely fashion so that JG has a chance to fix them within a reasonable patch cycle.

I completely agree with we need a lot of folks testing it out banging on the production version. Would hope that there is an open beta (Guild Wars II was a great example of that) where we can test new functionality and old. I'm less worried about Jim's code than I am all the bells and whistles the the FOF community has built onto it.

What I'm looking for is a thoughtful dialogue about how best to do that to ensure that leagues don't suffer interruptions. Just like real businesses. How we get "as many humans as possible banging away" should be up for discussion without automatically assuming leagues will convert day 1.

Most of us have investments in ISP costs, domain names, BELCO dev work while representing 31 other individuals who count on it to just work. I can't think of anyone who has more invested in infrastructure than you, Ben.

One thought I would suggest.

With a core of testers we can set up some test leagues (both in FOF 6.4 and starting fresh in 7.0). Hammer out some test scripts on areas of functionality and have folks work thru it and report out any bugs.

As I said, I'm less worried about FOF itself - much of this should be taken care of in Alpha and Beta. It's the conscriptors, stelmacks suites, change trackers, etc that really have to be put through their paces.
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