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Old 02-14-2017, 09:20 PM   #465
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Green Bay, WI
Originally Posted by General Mike View Post
I'm in a weird spot where I don't know who to roster next. Have a Spider-Woman, XForce Deadpool and Hulkbuster Iron Man waiting in my queue plus Mordo soon. Have enough HP to roster one now, but does it matter what order I go in?

Mainly it matters in terms of which cover expires first.

Spider-Woman is a good character, but she needs more than one cover to be useful.

Deadpool is one of my favorites. He's not as inside-jokey as his 3* variant, but so so useful. I love his red at 5 covers because he can soak up some damage and then heal right back up. And when he's boosted? Oh man. Oh man.

Hulkbuster is phenomenally fun as well; his black self-damages, yes, but it's a red battery (which you might find useful) and he can be a bit of a meat shield. His blue turns green tiles on the board red and plops some protect tiles, and his red is punchy fun.

If they're all pretty close to one another in terms of expiration I'd probably flip a coin between Deadpool and Hulkbuster, but that's me.

Originally Posted by General Mike View Post
do you have to match, or can you just clear them off the board with someone like Storm and it still counts?

Gotta be matched. Destroying them doesn't work. So someone like Quicksilver who can manipulate the board into matches? Useful. Someone like Scarlet Witch who can shake the board with her passive? Useful, but less so since it isn't as predictable. Someone like Wolverine who can create purple strike tiles? If the board is heavy in purple and you can match them right off, that's useful.

People like Jean Grey, 3* Cap, or Loki, who overwrite or steal tiles? Less useful. Of the three, Loki probably has the MOST utility because he could, in theory, gin you up some protect tiles, but Kaecilius' match damage is high enough that Loki may or may not still be around by the time his black would be ready for use.

Umbrella - other thing to be aware of is that if you win the fight in a sub that pulls you back to where you can fight Kaecilius, don't freak out - the sub is still there so you can do your clears. The game doesn't do a good job of telling you that. You just have to back out of the main hub after you beat Kaecilius and you'll see the sub still there for play.
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