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Old 05-27-2016, 09:22 AM   #203
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Seems like you'll have to get used to disappointment

2217 -- Conclusion

2217.07.07 -- The Markaz system has been finished with a decent location for physics discovered and that's it -- no economic resources at all. The Korgasch moves further out on our arm to another chokepoint system. So far it's mission has resulted mostly in the discovery of unimpressive space.

07.27 -- Malleable Goolantha captured. Deesh moves on now into Kroll space, to the Pesch system. It seems that these discoveries are going to be a treasure trove in terms of support for the Society Dept., if this is any indication(nearly a year's worth of advance).

09.07 -- Primitive civilization discovered on Kornaggi II, in the sparse areas of the outer arm. Glabonsch in up to ***, so after he's done in the system he'll backtrack to Assaniz to take a look at the Vultaum station.

09.13 -- Power Hub I finished on Humboldt. The Collective now has a considerable energy surplus(around 16 a year). The final mining network upgrade is authorized.

09.18 -- Mining station finished in Leesak. The next one will finally secure the Troutstone.

09.21 -- The colony ship Lollusch is ready, and makes its way to Norgon III. As it is there wasn't much of a choice, since the moon in Leesak is off-limits until the alien specimen expedition can make its way there.

10.02 -- Frank Justyce promoted to ***.

12.05 -- Another younger civilization discovered, in the Andack system directly above Collective space. The Thek'Qlak are a Steam Age civilization that produces it's own mechanical vehicles.

12.06 -- Fleet upgrade complete. All are now fitted with Defensive Combat Computers.
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