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Old 05-09-2021, 11:30 AM   #1775
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
So, the GML is held hostage by some asshat who joins a super-fast-moving league and then doesn't check in for days and days... draft stalled after 3 picks, everyone's twiddling thumbs. Fun fun.

First FA file is in for both teams.

WFT line situation isn't that complicated - not many good leaders in the 9-10/12-1/1-2 triad I have built in there, my current intended leader just got pushed out of the lead by a bad-leader quality OL, actually my best guy. This would be two straight years I'd cut/trade my best OL in the name of chemistry...just feels like the wiser move would be to start over, maybe in the triad where the rest of our offense has settled for years.

BAL QB situation is 100% unsettled. Not fully out of the question to return to Cary Alfonso as the caretaker guy, I suppose - he's cheaper now after a year riding the pine.
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