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Old 01-08-2013, 09:34 PM   #304
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
The wall rings out CHIME CHIME CHIME in a very off-A-MINOR chord.
THe numbers don't change from where they last were...

and regretably that's how they stand.

For you pick up the woman, that woman in the turbin, the one with the foreign accent and wear too much eyeshadow and carries that crystal ball around. She must be not right. It's the accent! It's the hair!

And you pick her up. And you toss her out, right out of the window and she falls into the sea. Oh yes you now realize this mansion is by the sea. That is good to know.

And she survives the fall, Madame Zorah Von Stuttervane. Yes she does and grabs hold of some driftwood. You barely here her cries. And she drifts and drifts and drift out into the distance. Until you can't see her anymore. And way in the distance you see her...her spirit rise. A normal spirit from a normal person. Well as normal as one can be wearing a turbin and having a foreign accent and carrying around a dark crystal ball.

Darth Vilus was a normal villager.
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