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Old 02-05-2013, 08:41 PM   #36
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
The alert for abductions come in and they are:

Miami, US - Panic 2, Difficult, 4 Scientists
Kolkata, India - Panic 3, Very Difficult, $200
Cairo, Egypt - Panic 2, Difficult, 4 Engineers

Knowing where the money is at, we have to go to Kolkata. I call up the following:

Rank Name Health Willpower Offense Defense

Lt Sarah Martin 8 78 69 0
Sgt Vanya Solovyov 7 59 93 0
Sgt Coffee Warlord 7 63 71 0
Sgt Ace Idol 6 48 68 0
Rk Deacon Palmer 5 54 70 0

Palmer has the Arc Thrower. I outfit Warlord, Vanya and Idol with the Carapace Armor. Idol has a SCOPE while Vanya has the Medkit.

Operation Final Paramore

We land outside a fast food establishment, a Curry and Kebab type place. We slowly move up towards the building and Sarah has contact with 2 Sectoids that scramble when they are noticed. Sarah pulls up and fires with her LMG missing. Warlord and Vanya both take opportunity shots and miss.

The Sectoids try to move and take a better position to return fire. We have the building set up in a great fire position and Vanya is able to drop 1 as Sarah drops the other.

Warlord moves to the front left of the building and spots 2 more Sectoids and he misses an opportunity shot. Warlord tries to get better position and catches 3 flyers through the drive thru window of the restaurant and they turn at the noise and move.

Vanya takes down a Sectoid while another Sectoid moves towards Warlord. Warlord pops from cover and wastes it.

The Flyers maneuver and get into position. One Flyer fires at Vanya and misses while the other fires at Warlord and rips him pretty hard. Vanya determined to play field medic moves towards Warlord firing and dropping a Flyer.

Out of ammo and pissed off, Warlord reaches back and grabs his launcher and sends a rocket toward the flyers and he manages to explode one.

Meanwhile Palmer is over on the right side of the building and spots 3 Sectoids trying to flank the squad. They scramble when they realize they have been spotted. Palmer drops back as Sarah moves towards the right. A Sectoid fires and hits Palmer while the Flyer on the left side misses Warlord.

Sarah is moving trying to get a good position and is hit by one of the Sectoids. Sarah is able to return fire but it was more of a snap shot and only wounds the alien. Idol squares up for his first shot of the day and misses while a wounded Palmer runs towards Vanya screaming Medic the entire way.

Sarah is a sitting duck now that Palmer ran off, she has two Sectoids fire at her both missing but coming close. The Flyer was able to target onto Warlord though and shred his chest, he drops sending blood everywhere. He is screaming Medic as well and is bleeding out.

Sarah drops her LMG to the sling and grabs the launcher sending a shredder rocket between 2 Sectoids and 2 cars. The explosion not only obliterates the Sectoids but takes out both cars and sending the third running.

Vanya is able to get to Warlord and stabilize him with a Medkit. Palmer has managed to get his head together and move up to support and cover Vanya. Sarah is able to get out of her poor cover and reload.

Idol spots the last Sectoid through a side door from the restaurant and takes it out with a head shot. It was an amazing shot.

Palmer hits the Flyer wounding it and pissing it off. The Flyer turns towards Palmer and sends a stream of plasma his way. He is able to dodge it, but it would have definitely destroyed him if it would have hit.

Vanya steps out from cover, standing over the body of Warlord and sends the Flyer into Alien Hell.

10 Aliens Killed
0 Ops Lost

Vanya was promoted to Lieutenant, Learns Revive
Warlord was promoted to Lieutenant, Learns HEAT Ammo and is Gravely Wounded and will miss 14 days.
Palmer was promoted to Squaddie Assault and is wounded. He will miss 14 days as well.
Sarah is wounded and will miss 5 days.

That was a close one, if we wouldn't have had a medic there we would have lost Warlord and probably Palmer.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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