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Old 03-11-2015, 06:53 PM   #20
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2009
First off, this would be a covered loss with the exception of the broken water line. For some reason insurance will not cover the broken pipe. Assuming this is at least a standard HO policy and not a DP (dwelling policy).

From the pictures provided, it would be questionable if this would exceed your deductible. For the bathroom I'd estimate it as a "Patch drywall", which would cover an area of 2'x2', remove/replace trim, paint walls, trim. Maybe a remove and reset contents from room. You might check for any water damage to the bottom of the cabinets, pretty doubtful since you caught it immediately.

Depending on how wet the carpets are, at most I'd just lift them and have an air mover blow under them for a day or two, then reattach the carpets.

Kinda doubt the ceiling is insulated, the only way of knowing would be an invasive inspection (cutting a hole in the ceiling). Might be possible to remove the light and peek in there also.

The downstairs could be tricky, but the water appears to be held within 2 or 3 ceiling/floor joists. Without checking the water content of the drywall (using a moisture meter) it's impossible to know where exactly the water went. Drywall naturally holds moisture at around 10% to 14%, depending on where you live/time of year. If it got to the wall it could dampen the insulation, depending on type of insulation (batt/blown/foam) it would need replaced. A lot of times a tell tale sign of water going down a wall is the paint will separate from the drywall and blister out. I've actually popped these before and water drains from the blisters, pretty crazy looking.

Anyways, the downstairs looks like a simple remove/replace a 4x8 sheet of drywall, texture, may have to remove and replace the crown, and paint the walls. Paint...hmm, is the room enclosed? I've had to estimate to paint several thousand square feet of ceiling for a little water spot.

I'd say it will be over your deductible after thinking about it, but not really sure if it is worth it in the long run.
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