Thread: Crusader Kings
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Old 06-22-2006, 05:56 PM   #105
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Originally Posted by Narcizo
To get an idea of who you want to play as - start a game and save immediately. Then you can look around at the dynasties etc etc. After that you can reload the save game and instead of picking the dynasty you started as you can choose to play as any dynasty you want (a great feature in the game).

There are "bride-finder" programs knocking around the Paradox forum which ought to take a lot of pain out of the marriage side (which is probably the worst aspect of the game). Generally speaking arranging marriages seems to be easier with the latest patch, which is a relief.

Most Paradox games seem to suffer from insufficient information/help. Not much I can say about that. Count yourself lucky that you didn't try playing EU1. I spent a good hour trying to figure out how to transport troops on ships. Something of a key aspect as the tutorial was set in Ireland.

I could never get the bride finder to work...kept crashing. And when I looked, there wasn't much support for it. I think the guy who wrote it quit playing the game or somesuch. It was a few months ago.
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