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Old 07-23-2006, 03:43 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
All people killed during the course of this scenario will become ghosts. Ghosts will still be able to communicate, but special rules will be attached to them.

The rules for ghosts:

1) Ghosts may only post three times during any night cycle and not during the day. Night weakens the boundaries between worlds, thus allowing spirits to speak.
2) Ghosts may not communicate in PMs to anybody other than myself no matter what theur role normally says.
3) Ghosts are not allowed to vote during either Day or Night actions.
4). Ghosts may not role reveal.
5) All ghosts have a Night Action that they may take, once. You may try to Stretch Through the Void. This will allow you to push through the Void and speak during the following day, but you do not know what the effect of the strain will have on your spirit.

This is a world of magic and mystery. Be prepared for things to happen which break the rules. While you all have various abilities, most of these are minor, and should not affect the game seriously.

Because you know each other already, you will know, prior to the game beginning, what rank each of you has in the guild. The council is ordered into Prelates, Pontifexes, Pontifex Maximus, Magister, Quaestors, Praetor, Aediles, and a Censor. Prelates are the common council members. The Magister is the ruler of the council. Aediles are in charge of some mundane, practical element of the Guild. Quaestors are leaders of various divisions in the guild. Pontifexes are essentially high priests in the religious caste while the Pontifex Maximus is the leader of the religious caste in the guild. The Censor is the scribe of the council. The Praetor is second in command.

Ranks: In Order of rank from top down

Magister – In charge
Praetor – Second in command
Quaestor - In charge of various military regiments
Aedile – Administrator in charge of an office (Library, Infirmary, Administration)
Prelate – High ranking officers in the guild without specific responsibilities
Censor – Scribe

Pontifex Maximus – The Ruler of the Religious caste in the guild. Outside of the normal rank structure.

When euthanized, you will know a person’s faction affiliation. You will not know their specific role, however.

At the end of the game, all roles will be revealed in detail.

Orzhov may not PM each other.

There are a variety of special roles that break some of the above rules.

You are never allowed to quote a PM or use the words in the PM. Attempts will be made to be as different as possible with PMs from person to person so that there is little to compare by.

Winning is through normal method:

Dimir = equal numbers
Orzhov = no Dimir

I will end the game once one of these two has been achieved.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 08-03-2006 at 01:03 PM.
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