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Old 04-13-2019, 10:15 AM   #18426
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
We have been pretty lucky with neighbors. Our street in Oregon was great. Block parties, everyone watched each others kids, etc...

However it didn't start that way.

We closed on the house 2 weeks before we moved, and I guess the lawn got a bit to long for one passive aggressive neighbor. They somehow contacted our agent, and had her send us a not regarding the lawn, with a suggestion for a landscaper. Mind you, no HOA.

This was my reply to our agent

Yvonne- Can you please let our neighbor who is deeply concerned about the hideous state of our lawn know I have Lorenzo coming on Saturday? I asked him if he may be able to come sooner, as I realize the dreadful state of our landscaping casts an irrevocable black eye on all of Evergreen Drive, however his busy schedule and prior commitments do not allow for it.

Can you also reiterate to our caring new neighbor that he has my iron clad promise that I will keep all landscaping looking golf course perfect in the future. This includes any Chia Pets we may acquire through white elephant gift exchanges or any other means.

Finally, can you thank him for taking matters into his own hands for us and saving the neighborhood from the scarring it would have caused had our lawn gone unchecked for a whole 17 days. Please ensure him that despite us both changing jobs, buying a house and selling a house, and moving cross country with 2 young children while trying to make sure all their needs are met once we are there, that our landscaping remains our number one priority.We wouldn't want to offend any of our new neighbors with unsightly shrubbery.

This has been a really great welcome to the neighborhood, as it is a relief to know we have someone ready to let us know if our landscaping isn't keeping up with the rest of the communities. I would say I will repay him, but I am at a loss for what humble gesture I could even offer. So I will just ask you to thank him and assure him it is being addressed.

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