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Old 06-05-2008, 01:24 AM   #149
Vinatieri for Prez
College Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle
Some interesting statements in here of late.

People actually believe die hard democrats who were for Hillary are going to jump ship in any significant number? Some (the vocal minority) are angry right now, but in 5 months there is no chance that they are staying home or voting for McCain. No chance.

People actually believe or thought for a second that Clinton was going to endorse McCain or submarine Obama after the delegates were in? What planet are you living on, man?

People think that because Obama lost to Clinton in some of the important swing states there is no way he can win those in the general election? These people voted for democrats. Around 40 million in total. Clinton was one heckuva candidate and the front runner. She's tough to beat. I can't believe anyone thought he would just walk all over her in some of those states. But she's been beaten now. Obama's now the nominee. People now think that the 18 million who voted for Clinton are just not going to vote anymore in the general election or vote for McCain instead in any significant number? For most of those 18 million, Obama is their second choice.

This election is going to be a turnout election. The turnout for the democratic primaries was enormous. The democratic party is energized. McCain is boring and couldn't energize that pink bunny. For these reasons alone, Obama is going to win easy. Based on the electoral college, I am not saying it will be a landslide, but he will cruise to victory.
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