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Old 10-27-2018, 08:30 PM   #1042
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by miami_fan View Post
The point was twofold. First it was an example of a Protestant church that did not have armed guards free of charge. I am sure they have their reasons for not having one budgetary or otherwise.

When I said free of charge, I meant some congregation members would likely be carrying.

We don't actually know if there were carry people in the church who was not able to stop the gunman (googled and did not find it). If your point is that even if there was, it was obviously ineffective, you would be right. I would still prefer someone carrying as a last line of defense vs not (same goes for schools). Please note, there are some on the board that thinks this means forcing teachers who are uncomfortable to carry and that is not what I am advocating.

(My wife is a teacher, she and I talked and there admin/teachers who are obviously not geared to use weapons. However, there are some who grew up comfortable with weapons and if they go through training, background checks etc. I am all for it. BTW - in my county, there are armed resource officers in our schools, its not viewed as abnormal and majority of teachers welcome it. Admittedly we are in a wealthier county).

Re: protestant church and arm guards in congregation.

I did try to google on statistics/surveys but did not find any. So you are right that I cannot prove there most protestant churches in TX would have congregation members carry weapons. There is no law against it in TX (open but not concealed carry I think) and, knowing the stereotypical Texan, I would say it is likely.

Originally Posted by miami_fan View Post
Second is that as far we know, the shooter today WAS a law abiding citizen right up until the time the bullets flew today. You did the research. He obtained all of his weapons legally. Yes, he spewed hate speech but let's be honest, we don't take that sort of stuff seriously anyways. He was the quintessential "good guy with a gun" right up until he wasn't. He is the guy who was armed free of charge!

You are right, so far he seems to be law abiding and no mental health that was obvious and was not on anyone's radar.

I'm all for more gun control. I'm just not for being too restrictive (devil is in the details). I had another post that talked about my position on increased gun control including compulsory real training, background checks, closing gun show loopholes, tracking transfer of weapons etc.

What is your solution? Are you more in the camp of increased gun control or more get rid of most guns?

Last edited by Edward64 : 10-27-2018 at 09:09 PM.
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