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Old 10-11-2022, 02:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
What Do You Guys Suggest For Offense

I have a need for a good football strategy game in my life. Was playing Madden as GM but my franchise got corrupted. HC09 is probably the best game ever, but there's so many hoops to jump through with it being a console/controller game that has limited UI options that I just don't always feel like jumping through the hoops - and it's not PC.

Even with the old interface, which I'm very familiar with by this point, I've always enjoyed Front Office Football. It's game engine gives satisfyingly real results. The biggest problem I've always had is just the scheme thing and getting the team to play how I want. Its always been a matter of messing with a ton of settings in hopes that your team does what you were hoping, but for those of us not super in tune with the engine it just feels like being lost in the wilderness. I think FOF8 tried to fix this, I just feel like the playbook generator and detailed gameplan thing actually made this work.

I actually understood FOF7 better because the gameplan library back then made it easy for me to say- this is the scheme I'm running, and these are the type of player skills I need to look for to run it. And I don't feel like I have that same idea of what my team is trying to do in 8. I tried to get in depth before to have playbooks and gameplans feature my star players, and somehow I would always make it worse.

So I'm starting a franchise with the Dolphins from 2018, with the plan being cleaning house to simulate the 2019 rebuild if I don't make the playoffs first year. I'm just floating through first year here not caring about the results but I'm like - what am I gonna do with my team after this? I don't know how to do a scheme-based, find players to fit it kind of strategy. But I don't know how to get the players first and then find the scheme either. I could always just use a good deal of REX, but that makes me feel like I have no control or no idea what my team is really gonna be doing every week.

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