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Old 06-20-2006, 01:27 PM   #590
Pro Starter
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bethlehem, Pa
Originally Posted by kingfc22
Let's say there are 4 necromancers. If all 4 searched and so far only 1 person has come forward saying they were viewed, then can we possibly assume that the necromancers found each other?

i dont think so, it would be a broken mechanic IMO if the necrophiliacs had to look for one another and we found out they looked at us....then if all 4 of them missed on the first night, 4 of us would show up and say what lathum the 3rd night, it would pretty much seal the deal on anyone that hadnt said they felt someone watching them but nothing happened.

i think it more likely that lathum was viewed by the seer, and unless we hear other wise at some other point in the game (not asking for a reveal now), he is at the top of my list of good guys (right below myself). i have a couple others in my list that i am feeling pretty good about.

what i think more likely happened was that the post-mortem-butt-pirates look for one another and only they know their own results...i would think it highly unlikely that they all found one another at random on the first day. especially if the dreamweaver tried to find the seer instead of another PMBP.
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