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Old 09-04-2012, 10:47 AM   #240
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
I have posted bits and pieces here in this thread, but here's my personal capsule:

-closing in on 15 months 100% plant-based, and pretty whole-foods compliant (still eating more oil and salt than I'd prefer, and I do sometimes settle for the processed grains when there's no good alternative)

-main motivating worry was cardiovascular health and related family history

-last summer (age 43), I was taking hypertension meds, a statin, a beta blocker, and low-dose aspirin for cardio issues... I am now down to just the aspirin

-my total cholesterol, at last measure was down to 138, though I have had trouble getting my "good" cholesterol elevated (it seems this is less critical if I'm not taking in any dietary cholesterol at all, at least)

-I have dropped about 40 pounds, depending on how you measure the starting point of the diet -- I admittedly attribute this to a combination of eating better, eating less, and doing more

-My palate has changed dramatically, and there are foods that I now heartily enjoy that didn't interest me that much before my switch
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