Thread: Hattrick
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Old 12-21-2011, 09:46 AM   #183
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Little Rock, AR
My season started out rough, but it has started to recover a bit. We lost in the 2nd round of the cup and then I forgot to set the orders against the weakest team in my league. So that resulted in no points when I should have easily got the full three. But we have won a couple of matches. If I can win my next two or three, it should be smooth sailing to safety.

I am having a hard time finding players to buy. I am looking for some part-time winger/passing trainees to bolster the squad. I am only buying American players and the pickings are pretty slim at the moment. Or at least at the prices that I can afford.

My trainees are all pretty young, so I don't see any sales in the near future. I might sell a 21 year old who will have WC scoring/solid winger/exc passing, but he was a youth pull so I need to determine how much that will affect my lineup next season.

Overall, I am still enjoying the game. I think the new changes will add a different element to the game and make it more strategic.
Xbox 360 Gamer Tag: GoldenEagle014
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