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Old 11-03-2016, 10:29 AM   #67
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
November 3, 2016

The infusion went off without a hitch. Thankfully, there were no allergic reactions (which apparently are relatively common). The drug didn't adversely impact me in any way during the infusion, however, it has made my GI side effects more pronounced. I also learned that the immunotherapy drug can have cumulative effects. In other words, as I do additional infusions some side effects may get worse and others that don't currently exist could become problematic.

In addition, the schedule i was given, which stated I'd have infusions every 3 weeks, isn't accurate. I'm honestly not sure what the schedule will be at this point, but I do know I will go every other week down to Emory for something. The reason I don't know what that is - is because my coordinator and the nurse had different information on what will occur on the visit in two weeks. But basically is comes down to, I'll either get an infusion every other week or I will get 1 a month and follow up blood work 2 weeks later. With this cycle (this infusion actually was the start of my second cycle) I have to go back in next week for a blood draw. I think it will just be one quick one to check the impact of the drug on my system, but I have to get confirmation on that. The potential bad side effects from the immunotherapy drug can be very significant, and given that the study is to monitor how the two drugs interact and how people tolerate it, I'll be monitored pretty closely for the next few weeks.
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