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Old 07-30-2019, 06:45 AM   #293
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I could be wrong about this, but I have a feeling that a LOT of Democratic voters care much more about beating Trump this time around than about which candidate gets the nomination.

So I think that you will have a lot of undecideds and soft support for candidates until things really start rolling. Then, after Iowa and NH and SC define the frontrunner, she/he will end up getting all of that support flow to her really quickly as the voters try to end the process to focus on the general.

The Bernie Bros. are, of course, the complication to my plan because I don't see them doing anything but continuing to scorch earth on Bernie's behalf up through the general election. But, other than them, I think that things end up quickly coalescing behind a front-runner after the voting starts.

(I'm so bad at predicting this stuff, though, that we'll probably end up with a legitimately contested convention this year.)
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