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Old 08-14-2018, 02:52 AM   #848
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Notable Past TESS Scores

Mateo Kaspar -- 9.3 TE, 7.6 SS, 16.9 total
Prakash Mooljee -- 9.0 TE, 6.9 SS, 15.9 total
John Hart -- 9.7 TE, 6.1 SS, 15.8 total
Anil Mehul -- 9.1 TE, 6.7 SS, 15.8 total
Ritwik Dudwadkar -- 8.9 TE, 6.6 SS, 15.5 total
Girish Girsh -- 8.6 TE, 6.1 SS, 14.7 total
Amrik Kasaravalli -- 7.7 TE, 6.3 SS, 14.0 total
Sushant Chiba -- 8.7 TE, 5.2 SS, 13.9 total

I threw Hart in there because, even though he's even with Mehul and below than Mooljee, he's clearly better than either. TESS is not perfect, and that powerful a mix of Talent and Endurance is tough to find ... as the Reaping would show.

Aparna Thangaraj(14y 20w)
95% aging factor
3.3 Home Adv
3.3 Mentality
4.2 Talent
3.0 Strength
2.8 Speed
3.4 Endurance

TESS of 13.4, the worst I've yet seen.

Rakesh Kayeeda(14y 18w)
97% aging factor
3.3 Home Adv
3.1 Mentality
4.3 Talent
3.4 Strength
1.7 Speed
4.6 Endurance

TESS is 14.9. That endurance is nice, and makes him a tolerable, middle-of-the-pack player compared to my past ones. Thangaraj is the first to be cut.

Girish Koritala(14y 23w)
97% aging factor
3.5 Home Adv
3.0 Mentality
4.1 Talent
2.3 Strength
2.3 Speed
4.2 Endurance

TESS = 12.9. A new low. You are the weakest link Koritala ... goodbye.

Nasir Chittoor(14y 16w)
97% aging factor
3.1 Home Adv
4.1 Mentality
4.3 Talent
3.1 Strength
2.2 Speed
4.7/4.8 Endurance

TESS is 14.3. Endurance is at Hart-like levels. Compared to Rakesh Keeda though, he has much better mentality, the same talent, 0.3 less strength, 0.5 better speed. The mentality makes the difference despite the lower TESS score. Kayeeda goes, Chittoor stays. Five more players to go, and I haven't yet found a player who is as good as my best, let alone a trailblazer. Come on, RNG ...

Shakti Vemireddy(14y 22w)
98% aging factor(grrr)
4.4 Home Adv(nice, but irrelevant for us)
3.5 Mentality
4.2 Talent
3.7 Strength
4.0 Speed
4.2 Endurance

Boy. TESS of 16.1, which is the best I've had. That's based on the athleticism, which is very nice. The more balanced aging curve isn't a positive. Basically comes down to whether nearly doubled speed(4 vs. 2.2) is better than 0.1 in talent and 0.5-0.6 in endurance. I don't think it's that close of a call; it's not. So while this is a glowing TESS score, Vemireddy still hits the waivers.

Ritwik Intodia(14y 19w)
97% aging factor
4.1 Home Adv
3.8 Mentality
4.5 Talent
3.3 Strength
2.9 Speed
4.2 Endurance

TESS comes in at 14.9. Compared to Chittoor, 0.3 less mentality, 0.2 more strength, 0.7 more speed, 0.2 more talent ... same 0.5/0.6 less endurance. It's closer, but once again I've got to stick with Nasir Chittoor and cut Intodia loose. Endurance gap is too big without enough to compensate for it.

Sushant Chivukula(14y 9w) -- If I keep him, I pay for having him actually be one of the oldest in his class.
97% aging factor
3.2 Home Adv
2.8 Mentality
4.3 Talent
2.9 Strength
3.6 Speed
3.6 Endurance.

TESS of 14.4. Pretty good athleticism but endurance is too low, even with how young he starts. Adios; two more to go.

Girish Shivakumar(14y 31w)
97% aging factor
3.9 Home Adv
3.2 Mentality
4.5 Talent
4.5 Strength
2.5 Speed
3.9 Endurance

Oh boy. If only his endurance was higher. TESS of 15.4, but I've got to toss him. Nice talent, excellent strength.

Satyajit Guha(14y 31w)
96% aging factor
3.3 Home Adv
3.7 Mentality
4.3 Talent
3.2 Strength
2.7 Speed
4.4 Endurance

I'm keeping him regardless doing to Guha being the final one. At least he didn't end up being a disaster. TESS is 14.6. Athleticism is solid but nothing to write home about. He's not quite as good as Chittoor, but about as good as everyone else I've run into.

Development Approach

So we're set, with Nasir Chittoor and Satyajit Guha my final pair of players. Chittoor will be developed as normal, while with Guha I'm going to try going for a doubles focus right away. If I had two players super-close to the same ability I was going to stick both with singles and try a rivalry approach, but I think Chittoor is definitely a cut above here. I hoped for a player who could put it all together, but I didn't really get that. That's the think about luck ... you can only optimize your odds, but in this case that wasn't enough. Both of these should have quality careers though, and Guha will ensure we always have a good national team for the WTC. I'm also curious how well I can do in singles with him getting a doubles diversion. Time will tell there.
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