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Old 04-11-2019, 10:21 AM   #18
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
The mental hurdle to overcome if you're playing for the Duchy-Duke strategy is to recognize you will be behind in the score most of the game, meaningfully so sometimes. (I play with visible scoring on, on the website, it's a toggle-able option)

So, it' kinda tough early on when you have $9 to spend and decide to JUST take a Ducky rather than a Province. But the point is... you NEED that Duchy to make things work, and you can't afford to help the other guy end the game sooner by depleting the Province pile. It's his difficulty in getting Province #7 and #8 that should give you the time you need to grab those last $5 Dukes for 6-7-8 points apiece.

In this setup, once you get the Altar going properly, it seems to work nearly flawlessly. I've played out this game maybe 10 times with subtle variations, and haven't lost yet when pursuing Dukes.
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