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Old 03-08-2006, 08:35 AM   #25
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2005
The Return of the Babe, part 4

The room felt small to Ruth. Not the ‘I’m larger than life’ small he was used to either. No, this was a disquieting small; suffocating and uncomfortable. Leland MacPhail pace around the Colonel’s old desk, clucking his tongue with snide disapproval.

“I thought we could count on you Babe,” MacPhail oozed an oily confidence. “We need star power in Baltimore to put some asses in the seat; and everyone hoped it would be you.”

Ruth dropped his head, the idea that people were counting on him and he let them down bothered him greatly. He took great care to play the part of the beloved superstar; always making sure the reality of the Babe came close to the fans image of him. “I just had thought the Yankees needed me.”

“I know Babe, but look at the League’s situation here. The club in Baltimore, we don’t know if they will be any good. Think how many people will come to see you in uniform again! Think of all the kids who never saw you play who will be able to see you on the field, where you belong.” Leland watched as the great man slowly began to crumble before him.

“I hadn’t thought about the kids,” Ruth muttered softly.

Leland kneeled next to the Babe, placing his hand on the great man’s back. “Babe, the Yankees are asking this one last favor from you: Take the Baltimore job. We need everyone to draw well. The Yanks, we’ll be fine whoever we put in the dugout—but you could be the difference in Baltimore.” MacPhail began to rise, explaining how Ruth was the star who would not just save Baltimore’s season, but possibly the whole league as well.

The Yankees’ GM had a well-deserved reputation as a shrewd trader. He would say, “There is a moment in every negotiation when the other fellow will crack. The key is recognizing that moment, and offering just enough more to have him agree.” The idea was the extra bit would always seem bigger at the right moment in the negotiation; now was that moment with Ruth.

“Babe, if you take the Baltimore job, I promise you the next time the Yankee job is available, it is yours.”

“Are you serious or are you just jerking me around?”

“The Yankees are always serious. We’ll have to keep this between ourselves, I would hate for you to lose out because of a tampering charge.”

“Well, Bub, if I got you’re word on that, then tell them, the Babe is coming to Baltimore!”
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