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Old 10-24-2016, 09:36 AM   #160
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Decatur, GA
I'm already hooked. I bought it on Friday and it worked fantastic on my Surface Pro 4 (I was worried it wouldn't) - its on a really high resolution, but all the textures are low. I ended up playing until 4:30 in the morning. And then a few hours on Saturday. I wasn't entirely sure what I was doing at first with the civics tree and new tech tree (and what to do with city states), but I figured that playing a few games through would help.

I started with a random game, which gave me Rome on Prince level on a Continent map (medium size maybe?). First thing I noticed was that damn barbarians are annoying in this game (in a good way). I found out soon that I was next to China, who decided to randomly declare war on me. I was a bit like "OH CRAP" because I had kind of neglected my military. I had a few warriors and slingmen hanging out, but if China had troops on my borders ready to storm me, I'd be a goner. Thankfully they didn't and a few turns later I finished researching the tech that got me Rome's legions. Soon after I took one of their cities and decided to accept the peace terms. Only after that I realized, oh crap, the only iron on this side of the continent is next to China's remaining two cities. So, I kept making legions and battering rams, and after a few terms (and a denouncement by China), I declared war and took the two (Gandhi decided to denounce me for being a warmonger as a result though). Of course during that second Roman-Chinese war, the Chinese city I took in the first war devolved into rebellion (because of a -5 due to war weariness... oops, gotta look at amenities more) - but they spewed out knights... and legions are no match for knights. So... I kind of had to wait them out a bit until I had enough legions that I could surround them and take them out.

So... I'm really liking the game. I didn't play last night after watching Westworld because I knew I'd be up until like 2 and that's not good for work on Monday morning. But the game totally was enticing me. Like whispering in my ear - you can only play half an hour. It'll be already. Damn you Civ addition...
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
-Tennessee Williams
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