Thread: American - 2016
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Old 02-03-2017, 06:53 PM   #67
Julio Riddols
College Prospect
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bryson Shitty, NC
Damn, tough loss to see you go EF27, but it sounds like a gain of another kind.

So congrats on whatever time eating thing is about to happen!

I too had a wrong button hit early in the game, but got lucky and completed a 6 or 7 yard pass on it. I had pressed the button to snap the ball, but there was a slight lag so I pressed A again and I ended up snapping and throwing right away, heh. Those accidents are the worst ways to lose, for sure. I thought it was weird that my guy picked that one off but the secondary had dropped 2 way easier looking throws earlier in the game too.

These human vs human games generally seem to turn on inadvertent mistakes anyway, since everyone is pretty evenly matched.
Recklessly enthused, stubbornly amused.

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