Thread: American - 2016
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Old 05-04-2017, 04:21 PM   #131
Julio Riddols
College Prospect
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Bryson Shitty, NC
It was a long week for me this past week.. I had a health scare involving a shellfish allergy and then decided to quit smoking weed.. Somehow it slipped my mind that withdrawal symptoms involve anxiety and depression, so I wrongly assumed I was losing my shit again mentally like I did back in 2009.. Well fast forward to the past couple days and as the initial withdrawal symptoms have subsided my mood has changed drastically and now I am on cloud 9. Turns out that the way marijuana works on me is that it slows down my digestion enough to cause bad bacteria to build up in my stomach, and what I thought was irritable bowel syndrome may have been almost completely due to my smoking habits. It's crazy the things the mind and body can do when in different states and how little things can turn into big things without really giving any indication as to why.

I've learned a lot this past week.

Don't know why, but I thought I would share that, heh. Guess that explains why I didn't play though.. Couldn't find joy in anything for a good week or so.
Recklessly enthused, stubbornly amused.

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