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Old 03-01-2018, 07:07 AM   #7
High School JV
Join Date: Mar 2015
I mostly agree with squirrel and quiksand.

one aspect to have in mind is that cohesion is relative, so it's worth looking at what other teams are doing. ignoring cap/chemistry/age/FA availability/uneven bars and other complicating effects, here's my anecdotal take on this interesting discussion.

1. I wouldn't touch my DB cohesion for less than a 10 point increase.
2. If the QB is serviceable like Loera, I'd only consider a change for a 20-25 point increase or so (assuming no change in avoid INT, etc).
3. I'd let him walk, and only resign if he takes <1.5 % of the cap. As Ushikawa mentioned, the OL starters will dominate over the RBs in OL cohesion, as few teams tend to keep RBs for more than 6-7 years.

my opinions above are anecdotal since I have little quantitative information on how ratings are related to performance, and what a 5 or 10 point increase should mean in terms of performance. To have a better feeling on this aspect, I still have a long-term goal of simulating multiple 100-year seasons, track player ratings and performance, and do some advanced statistics on that database.

regarding the effects of cohesion, I don't think there's any doubt that it is a strong modifier and will likely win some games. in the end, the triad of player ratings, cohesion, and chemistry will affect the game outcome. Each of the three items will usually make the other two worse, and the right balance between them is what makes FOF a deep simulation.

(double-checking the grammar before submitting)
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