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Old 12-06-2020, 07:06 AM   #516
Ben E Lou
Morgado's Favorite Forum Fascist
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Greensboro, NC
I thought this was an interesting read. It's a FB post from 7:19pm yesterday. The writer is in his early 80s. I know him because he's the father of a good friend of mine from home, and was a donor to a ministry I led in my home town. He has been a delegate at the RNC multiple times, including 2016 and, I think, 2020, and is currently an active member of the local Republican Party. (Pretty sure he was the local Party chair at one point.)
if you are mad, upset about this Nov election, prove it... go back to the polls and vote for the two Republicans running for the US Senate. if you don't we lose again. but this time it is America that loses again. do not allow the nay Sayers to convince you that not voting is the right thing to do. if the Republican majority in the Senate is not retained, everybody loses, the dems win, and win big... everything they have told us they would do, they will be able to do, come after our guns, open the borders, raise taxes, agree to the iran and their goal of a nuclear bomb, green deal, fossil fuel business goes away, jobs in those industries go away, don't let this happen, don't believe the dems and their fans, and stay away from voting, it is the way of destruction. vote in this runoff and vote for Perdue and Loeffler.. vote early to be sure you do get to the polls... early voting is easy and sure. don't think you will be able to vote on election day, what if your family has an emergency?? vote early, it as your life depends on it, and it does, your life as an American and your life and its freedoms..depend on your vote for the Republicans,

Related to the "we lose again" bit, I just Googled him, and he is quoted on a news site from Columbus on November 8th as saying "...President Biden should be congratulated and I'm willing to do that..." He is later quoted on December 3rd, after the recount as saying he fully trusts the folks in charge of the election in Muscogee County, who had just certified that Biden won my home town by 19,000 votes.

I just think this is a fascinating juxtaposition of normalcy (full public acknowledgement that Biden won, full understanding that the vote isn't rigged and that Rs should vote in the ruoff) with what many here would consider to be fringe/crazy beliefs of conservatives about the liberal agenda.

(FWIW, this individual doesn't represent the Biblical conservative Christians from my home town that I've referenced previously. He's pretty much as theologically diametrically opposite of my closest friends and me as you can be and still be a Christian. Full-on Arminian, and dispensationalist to boot.)
The media don't understand the kinds of problems and pressures 54 million come wit'!

Last edited by Ben E Lou : 12-06-2020 at 07:36 AM.
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