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Old 07-01-2007, 03:43 PM   #36
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Diego
Originally Posted by cartman View Post
My songs are finally transferred, so I can play around with it a little more.

It is seamless picking up a WiFi connection. Google Maps works really well. I'm currently watching a Terry Tate, Office Linebacker YouTube video, and it looks really good, and the sound via the speaker isn't too bad either. But it appears that if you have a YouTube account, you can't login to it via the iPhone. I'll have to check that more later.

The "virtual" keyboard seems to work really well. I thought it would be more of a pain than it is. I fat-fingered a few times, but it picked up most of what I typed correctly.

The iPod piece works just like in the commercials. You can scan the album covers to find the song you want to play.

A couple of my coworkers bought them Friday and we were messing around with them at the bars, very cool. Although I will say that I "fat-fingered" the virtual keyboard myself numerous times, and I don't have fat fingers. That was the only thing that struck me as a potential real drawback though (other than the battery stuff, I do love that the bberry can go Friday morning to Monday night for me if I forget my charger on a weekend trip), but it was also annoying enough that it made me think twice about the iPhone ever being a good alternative for work emailing. If you spend a lot of time emailing from your phone I could see the virtual keyboard making you crazy, but that could just be a habit/comfort level thing, maybe you get used to it.

I did really like the web browsing though, it really is a whole world above the equivalent on other phones. Like the difference between websites in the late 90s and websites today, very very cool.
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