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Old 08-04-2016, 10:31 PM   #471
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Beyond the grand archway you discover a massive high-ceilinged antechamber. The walls of this vast circular hall are lined with human-like figures who, were it not for the frigid whiteness of their skin, would appear to be sleeping while on guard. Opposite the entrance you see another open archway, this one filled by a shimmering curtain of light. You sense that beyond it lies the way to the upper storeys of the spire, to the place where the Deathlord resides.

(yes I have telegnosis)

Your mastery warns you that the shimmering curtain of light which fills the archway ahead will cause harm to any living thing that passes through its beams. However, your senses also detect that beyond the archway lies the only sure route by which you can gain access to the higher levels of this dread citadel.

(I can press through it anyway, or look for another opening. That I choose -0- the more sections I can go through without combat, the higher my EP will regain)

You circle around the hall, keeping a wary eye on the frozen humanoids that line the walls in case your presence here should cause them to animate. Fortunately your caution proves unnecessary—they remain completely immobile.

As you pass by the shimmering archway, you feel nausea rising from the pit of your stomach and a wave of dizziness makes you falter for a few moments: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. However, your dogged persistence pays off when you discover a partially-concealed panel in the wall. As you step nearer, it slides open to reveal a flight of steps which ascend to an empty chamber. Here you discover a door of opaque green crystal set flush into the north wall. Closer investigation reveals a curious lockplate positioned at its centre.

(Yes I examine the lock)

You examine the intricate lockplate and determine that it operates by psychic energy. You study the intricate patterns which embellish it and gradually you realize that they give clues to a three-digit number. By projecting the image of this number at the lock, using your psychic powers, you will release the locking mechanism and cause the door to open.

The first of the three numbers is equal to the number of islands which can be found between the Tozaz Sea and the Gulf of Konkor.
The second of the three numbers is equal to the total of islands which can be found in Lake Ghargon.
The third and final number is equal to the number of cities that can be found on the banks of the River Zegar.

(1 Island, 0, 0 – 100)

The instant you project the correct number at the lockplate, the entire door begins to shimmer and lose its solidity. It becomes transparent and then it fades completely, as if it has evaporated into thin air. With a smile of satisfaction on your lips at having solved the riddle of the door, you step through the now-open portal and climb a set of stairs which await you beyond.

At the top of the stairs you find a chamber where the walls and floor are thick with frost. Standing beside a locked door is a crystal plinth on which lies an Onyx Key covered by a clear glass dome. Your Kai Sixth Sense tingles as you approach it—you sense that the glass dome is protected by sorcery

(I don’t already have this key. But I do have Kai Alchemy)

Using your Kai Mastery, you cause the glass dome to rise a few inches from the plinth. Quickly you snatch up the key, taking care not to touch either the plinth or the cover hovering above it; then you will the glass dome to descend slowly to its original position. (Record the Onyx Key on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you carry in the pocket of your tunic.)

Having obtained the key, you now try it in the door and find that it fits perfectly. You give it a gentle twist, confident that it will unlock this door and allow you entry to whatever lies beyond.

(I roll a 3)

There is a faint click and the door opens without a sound. You walk through and emerge into a chamber composed entirely of polished black crystal, where you see myriad images of yourself trailing away into infinity within the mirror-smooth walls. At first you see only your own reflections, but when you cast your gaze around this eerie chamber you realize that you are not alone. Standing guard at an open archway are a trio of undead creatures, the like of which you have never encountered before. They are armed with barbed tridents which they hold loosely in their corpse-green hands.

Suddenly they become aware of your presence and come scurrying forwards, their tridents raised in readiness to pin you to the wall.

(I use my bow)

You draw and fire an Arrow at the leading creature. To your horrified disbelief, the shaft passes cleanly through its chest, meeting no resistance whatsoever, and then shatters uselessly against the far wall.
You drop your Bow and unsheathe a hand weapon only just in time to defend yourself from these deathly creatures as they launch a lightning-swift attack.


Kajarda are undead. These beings are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.

(So I have 28 EP now. That’s enough to get my KS back in order. I use KS first round and….I deal 9 to them. Then I toss 5. I take 6, they took 18. Then I smash them for 15 and then I toss a 8 and hit them for another 9. They die. I took 12 damage and finish at 16 EP)

The bodies of the ghastly creatures undergo a swift and gruesome transformation upon the instant you deal them the coup de grāce. Their torsos implode with dramatic effect, and they barely have time to cry out in agony as their twisted remains hit the floor and crumble to dust.

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