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Old 07-27-2023, 08:49 PM   #153
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the best evidence we have that aliens don't exist is that Trump would never have shut up about it once he found out upon becoming President.

Or is it?

Remember the picture of Trump & Obama together in the White House just after Trump won the election in 2016? This one:

You've got a pretty uncharacteristically glum Trump there. At the time there was speculation that Trump got "sonned" by Obama and the enormity of the situation overtook him. Again, uncharacteristic. Even when being deposed (pre-Presidency, when there was at least a hint of danger), Trump was always either confident or overconfident.

So, what shook him?

But not little gray or green men, or knowledge of recovered flying saucers at Area 51, no, something considerably more sinister, shocking, and, quite frankly, demoralising. And with this knowledge we not only explain Trump, but in fact all Presidents going back to Eisenhower. Come with me down the rabbit hole....

We all know about Roswell, right? The supposed weather balloon crash in 1947 that precipitated a short-lived craze for UFOs and then has been in and out of the imagination ever since? Well, huge surprise, but it was a crashed alien vessel, in this case an alien probe. The real aliens arrived in 1955 when transmissions over the summer to both U.S. and Soviet Union central commands (the aliens having determined that these were the two powers of note) resulted in separate meetings in the Autumn.

For the U.S. a cover story of President Eisenhower suffering a heart attack in Colorado in late September (and needing 6 weeks to recover) allowed the President to travel to Area 51 to meet the alien emissaries. The resulting shock of the aliens' demands and demonstration of their a) overwhelming firepower and b) insidious and unstoppable psychological technology not only did affect his health, demonstrated by a stroke in 1957, but also caused him to greatly increase his drinking habit, including as noted by an observer on his state visit to England in 1959: "General Howard Snyder, recalled that Eisenhower "'drank several gin-and-tonics, and one or two gins on the rocks ... three or four wines with the dinner.'"

Little is known about how the Soviet meeting went, but intelligence agencies do know for certain, based on interrogation of ex-Soviet scientists, that the supposed testing of the Soviet's first hydrogen bomb in November, 1955, was actually a demonstration of the aliens' firepower to a recalcitrant Krushchev, who had only gained power in January of that year and was concerned that any show of weakness would embolden other members of the top echelon of Soviet leaders. In fact he was correct, and survived a coup attempt in 1957 only to lose face again when rivals mounted an ill-advised attempt to treat with the aliens themselves at the Dylatov Pass in 1959. When Breshnev took power in 1964, it was with the aliens' support.

It should surprise no one, of course, that Kennedy was assassinated on the aliens' command, as the over-confident young President had long thought he could strike successfully at the aliens. In fact, the Cuban Missile Crisis, far from being an altercation between the two superpowers, was an attempt to concentrate firepower for an attack on an underground facility beneath the Gulf of Mexico that the aliens were using as a main base (with a hyperloop-style connection to Area 51).

[Of note, years later, the Deepwater Horizon explosion did not occur from faulty drilling, but from accidentally hitting a support structure for the hyperloop-style connection.]

LBJ chose not to run for re-election in 1968 because he was worn out from the stress of knowing what the aliens were already doing to society and laying the groundwork for the eventual extermination of the human race. Nixon's reaction was to go to any means necessary to win re-election, feeling that only he could successfully deal with the aliens. When it became clear that his actions would result in his loss of the Presidency, he turned to alcoholism before resigining.

Ford & Carter never knew the truth, with a coterie of top intelligence civil servants deciding they weren't serious enough men to know. The same was true for Reagan, but in his case, his cabinet of experienced civil servants and politicians, a few key of whom already knew the truth, decided not to tell him. When he found out by accident after the 1984 election, the shock accelerated his mental decline.

George H.W. Bush also felt the stress from the knowledge (he had known the truth as Director of the CIA for Ford in 1976 and agreed to keep the knowledge from Ford) and chose not to run for re-election. It was also during his Presidency that the aliens, who had tolerated the Space Shuttle program, demanded that it be gradually shut down, meaning that Endeavor was the last Shuttle to be delivered in 1991. The aliens then drove their point home years later with the Columbia disaster.

Clinton found out late in his first term when intelligence leaders determine he was likely to win re-election and his subsequent disinterest in governing in favor of more "earthly" pleasures was his reaction.

George W. Bush, like Reagan, did not find out until his second term as old hands such as Cheney kept the information from him. Finding out in 2006, Bush broke ties with Cheney over keeping the information from him, and never actually met with the aliens, retiring after his term to painting and time on his ranch.

Obama found out early, and soon ditched his grandiose progressive plans in favor of legislation such as the ACA which wouldn't solve long-term societal problems but would ostensibly make life easier for Americans in specific and humans in general until the endgame of the aliens' involvement on Earth.

Which brings us back to Trump. The shock of learning what the aliens were capable of, were already doing, and the details of their endgame turned this bombastic but generally in-control character into a raging lunatic whose irrationality has only increased over the intervening years. Observers ascribe his public belief that he will not be held accountable for the actions in his Presidency to either his overweening confidence or unbelievable delusion, when in reality Trump knows that it doesn't matter anyway.

Similarly Biden, whose unwillingness to overly celebrate conquering COVID-19 (again, aliens) is yet a mere sign of his understanding that his only job is to try and make the remaining few years for humanity as comfortable as possible thus the programs to combat inflation and forgive debt that will balloon the bills the government owes but knows it will never have to pay.

And so, as we swelter through a record-breaking summer (again, aliens, caused by their machinery starting to come on-line), spare a thought for Mr. Trump and all his predecessors, who were all, in their own ways, casualties of forces beyond their control, expressed in a variety of ways by a variety of men, all martyrs for the human race.
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