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Old 02-19-2018, 07:33 AM   #904
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Return to The Rod of Seven Parts

In week 3, Alzar is flying around his domain when a Pit Fiend teleports in front of him. Surprised, Alzar pulls up. He introduces himself as Ulthut and he is very surprised to have this conversation with a mortal.

Flying in the air, they talk about the Rod of Seven Parts. Apparently, about five or six decades ago, the 6th part of the Rod was found by a devil and turned over to its superiors in Hell. As soon as it arrived, a portal opened and more than 100 Spyder-Fiends pored out and attacked, trying to return the Rod’s part.

They fought them off, and then Ulthut and a few other pit fiends met and realized they needed to find a safe place for the Rod. If they kept it in Hell, bad things would happen. The Queen of Chaos was so focused on the Law/Chaos wars with the Rod that she had forgotten the Blood War between demons and devils millennia ago. If they kept the Rod in Hell, then she would essentially rejoin the war against them. So they created a pocket plan and Ulthut agreed to guard the 6th piece. He knew that the Queen and the other pieces wouldn’t scry it, or know where it was. It was safe from all scrying eyes. The goal was to remove this piece of the Rod from the conversation completely, so the Queen and her minions were unable to get it, as was anyone else.

But Alzar has, surprisingly, proven himself able to deal with the added attention of the Queen if chaos and took her down and stopped multiple waves of Spyder-Fiends. So Uthut can take Alzar to the pocket plane and then can assault the Citadel of Chaos, where Miska is to get the 7th and try to take him out.

(The adventure is meant for the characters to sneak into the plane, and take out everyone and grab the rod and leave. But it begins with, “Ulthut and his servants defend the segment from mortals that are too stupid or too weak to prevent it from falling into the Queen’s hands, but the pit fiend will surrender it to any lawful group who seems capable of evading the queen.” It’s hard to do so, however. Alzar does!)

So Alzar acquires the 6th segment of the Rod, teleports home, and that night uses the Glyph he prepares to connect them
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