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Old 01-17-2007, 05:16 PM   #108
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Jul 2006
Ha! The fools delayed our dining time. Now they shall suffer!

Hawkeye- Don't know much about him except he's an expert archer.

Gambit- X-Man who can charge things with kinetic energy. I don't remember his backstory, except he's Cajun. The iconic Gambit attack involves charging cards from a deck and throwing them at his enemies, but he can charge anything (that's not living) with his deadly energy. Extremely agile, he also is immune to telepathic abilities. Expect strong attacks involving his kinetic energy, as well as some ability based off his exceptional charm.

Daredevil- Matt Murdock was blinded in a terrible accident, but his other senses have evolved, and he also has a radar sense. Basically, his senses except sight are the best they can be (he can hear a heartbeat from like 20' away, analyze speech patterns, etc). Imagine what super sense could do, then combine that with superb martial arts and acrobatics.

Alright, going for real.
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