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Old 12-19-2020, 07:21 PM   #28
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Madison, WI
Sure! First off, TESS is calculated with respect to a player's ratings in these categories at their physical peak (100%). Note that players tend to peak in Skill/Service on the down-curve of their physical peak, usually at ~90%.

Talent is fixed and won't change with age. So T = 4.5.

Endurance changes as a function of the square of the peak percentage. Today's 0.7 for a player at 60% will become 0.7/(.60^2) for E = 1.944.

Strength and speed change as a function of the peak percentage in a straight-line fashion. The current ratings of 2.2 and 1.7 are divided by the peak percentage (.6) to yield Str = 3.667 and Sp = 2.933.

(Mentality, while excluded from the straight TESS formula, works the same was as Strength/Speed, so expect a peak M = 4.)

Summing up, you have:
T: 4.5, E: 1.944; TE = 6.444.
Str: 3.667, E: 2.933; SS = 6.6.

Your total TESS is therefore 13.044. That's pretty respectable. However, the endurance will be this player's limiting factor, for reasons you likely understand! (For context, I tend to use 3 as a baseline for Endurance.)
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