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Old 10-07-2021, 02:02 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2017
Playbook Creation

I usually set the variance to 1 or 0, hit 200 plays and click go!

Sometimes, I'll do the above and also use the guided playbook button to further refine targets/formations etc. to better suit personnel.

I figure that out of 200 plays with a reasonable fit, I should be able to get 60+ at least solid plays, with enough diversity not to get familiars, whilst being able to get the guys I want involved targeted.

So far, so good. Not totally optimal I guess but it's served me up to this point and I've done okay.

Now then, trying to create a playbook from scratch, adding 10 or 20 plays at a time, targeting specific formations, players, running lanes etc. etc. and trimming them down and then adding another 10 or 20 plays targeting someone else or a different route etc. how the HECK do you know which are the newly generated plays?

Especially if you have like 30 or 40 plays already loaded and checked for fit etc. Am I missing something or are we really expected to sift through every play each time we generate additional ones?

Help? Thoughts? Discuss YOUR playbook creation process?

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