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Old 05-03-2010, 09:02 AM   #72
Mizzou B-ball fan
General Manager
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
I've started looking around and finding quite a few people who are financially secure and retired who are looking for a social outlet. I've talked to a few people like this and I think we're going to use some of them as volunteers. They all express excitement about the historical significance of the buildings and the opportunity to meet people through giving tours and wine tastings. I obviously like the idea because it provides a great promotional outlet for the winery (these people will tell their friends and spread the good word) while I'm also able to run the place with a couple less resources. It's a mutually beneficial situation.

I spoke with a lady who was around 55-60 about the opportunity yesterday. She just moved here from California a month ago. Lost her husband a year ago. Basically told her I'd like to have her do some historic tours and some wine tasting. She's pretty talkative and very friendly, which is a great fit. Told her if things go well that we may switch her over to a paying position at some point. She's also a member of the local Women's Auxiliary (VFW), so she could help me connect with other people who could be customers or volunteers.

I mentioned to her that kids have broken into the place while it was vacant because of the haunting rumors. I mentioned to her that I was a curious skeptic and had never had any tangible experiences on the property. She said she was also a skeptic........until she renovated her kitchen and a man started showing up in the kitchen. Her daughter first saw him and flipped out. The lady later saw his head and upper torso in the kitchen. Said a lot of 'interesting' stuff happened. She's no longer a skeptic.
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