Thread: Duking 101
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:09 AM   #14
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Well, I've always wondered what good the Duke is supposed to be, in the best of circumstances, really. The only time that power is truly useful is if you somehow knew who a wolf was, but they were not on the chopping block. But that doesn't really happen in games. So the duke is essentially just a villager with a day kill, which almost never works out well (except in that 24 game, grr). It's nice to have a verifiable power, but it's a pretty hard one to use in a way that is of any benefit. The only time to really use it safely is if you're in a tight enough lynch race with someone else that's close enough that you would expect the other person to have revealed if they had a role.

Probably the best way to use a duke role is to reveal if it you're on the chopping block. I know Jackal wasn't around, and that's why he didn't, but let's say he had. Then we vote someone else, the bodyguard can guard the Duke and we get a trusted villager. If it's a fake reveal the Duke is definitely worth trading for a revealed wolf, so it's a win-win.
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