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Old 10-31-2010, 01:17 PM   #133
Mizzou B-ball fan
General Manager
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by Buccaneer View Post
Being the skeptic that I am, I think you did a brilliant job in taking advantage of the gullible for falling for the powers of suggestion. It's amazing that many would pay money just to be convinced of what they expected and wanted to hear and feel. Well done.

I'd put it a different way. They are paying for the opportunity to determine for themselves whether ghosts exist or not at what is a reportedly haunted site. To be honest, we have nearly as many skeptics on the paranormal investigations. Sometimes the skeptics tag along with a spouse that believes. Sometimes they just want to see what others believe is evidence only to show why it could be a natural occurrence. We usually try to mix believers and skeptics into all groups when possible. It's the best way to get a good experience.

We did have a man who was a skeptic come with his wife (who was a believer). He was about two hours into the event when he was touched by something that wasn't there. He screamed so loudly it was heard two floors below. Note that each level is separated by floors that are 12 inches of solid concrete. He decided to leave about 20 minutes after that. They have the audio of that incident and are hoping to post it on their forum. I've heard it. It's obvious that he was frightened by what happened.
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