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Old 04-17-2006, 10:51 AM   #336
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by st.cronin
I am uncomfortable with the assumption that there wasn't a conversion last night. Why in the world would we get told that there was one??
I see three scenarios:
1.No conversion last night, they can only do it every other night for balance reasons(doesnt mean they couldnt still kill last night cough cough barkeep)
2.Conversion last night, can do every night(would have had to start with 2 id say...if qwik was converting it kind of makes sense why he was in the kennel) conversion becuase qwik was going to do it and he got killed by barkeep\

am i missing anything? Of those 3 im currently hung up on #1, but yes i dont think people should discount a conversion last night. The thing is, people think they have better odds looking for an original and not a convert(they say less targets with original, making it easier)....(i say its barkeep and hoops pushing, and their #1/2 on my suspect list so i dont like it one bit)
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