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Old 03-16-2024, 09:26 AM   #95
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Land O Lakes FL
Haven't we reached a point in our society where the expectations should be that companies are going to share the data that is collected either directly or indirectly? Obviously, I don't think that it is right and this may sound defeatist. I just don't know why we would have the expectations of companies to not use the collected information as they see fit whether in a consolidated or individual manner.

My mother had the tracking device under a usage based insurance plan before she stopped driving. Every incident where she went above the posted speed limit, sudden braking, accelerating too fast from from a complete stop and a host of other things were captured with date, time, street/intersection location of each incident. Why would the insurance companies not pay for such information for every driver? Why would the car companies not sell it to them? Why would we think that they are just going to track "them" and not "us"?
"The blind soldier fought for me in this war. The least I can do now is fight for him. I have eyes. He hasn’t. I have a voice on the radio, he hasn’t. I was born a white man. And until a colored man is a full citizen, like me, I haven’t the leisure to enjoy the freedom that colored man risked his life to maintain for me. I don’t own what I have until he owns an equal share of it. Until somebody beats me and blinds me, I am in his debt."- Orson Welles August 11, 1946
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