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Old 01-09-2013, 12:37 AM   #307
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
And so it was the party continued and so it was the revellers drank and gathered their wealth. And so it was one amongst them felt a terrible pain...a pain in his head...a pain in his chest....a his heart.

"Noooo!" he cried! "My fair one! She is gone! She is leaving this world. I can feel it."

"What are you on about?" said another.

But before he could get a reply the fairhaired gentleman, of a pleasant nature and smell, rushed to the balcony doors and stone stairs below that led down to the waterside and he stood on the ledge and he cried, "Oh the pain! I cannot bare to live any longer".

"You have much to live for! Why the wealth in this house shall feed you for years."

"Only love can quench my thirst!" he replied.

"Aye but look!"

They pointed and they the the air...a creature so large as it flew. Great wings like a giant bat but it was a man. A fiendish humanoid and it held to his chest a fair woman, pale and dripping of blood for he feasted on her as he flew with a bite of her neck every three flaps of his enormous wings. And she had gone limp and not coming around.

But the man on the ledge could not bear this ghoulish sight. To see his fair maiden become someone's bite. And he lept from the ledge to the rocks down below. "She was my life and now I....*THUD*"

I guess we'll never know how beautiful a sentiment he was going to leave. All that is left is a corpse. A corpse *THUD* that continued *THUMP* to fall *BUMP* down those stairs. A corpse by the name of spleen, who had become Lord Montague Boxley...still gazing after the fair maiden Lady Gloria Fairweather, formerly known as Britrock, formerly known as living. For they were lovers and villagers, but now neither...

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 01-09-2013 at 01:34 AM.
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