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Old 08-17-2005, 12:45 PM   #385
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
I submitted my scan of fouts last night and he turned up clean...i wont be around today since i have to help my sister move into her new apartment, but were at the point in the game where we have to hit jackpot every day(if my math is right)...Now if i was mafia, and bek agreed over dinner last night, why target me last night? The cop would have been protecting me, and they would have wasted a then can kill me easy and clean tonight since he cant protect the same person two nights in a row...instead of getting 1 block and a kill, they get 2 kills(by amazing luck it looks like both seers...). The mafia are a day or so away from having a 1-1 ratio, think long and hard before you though, sack, dubb, penny are all talkative...i havent heared too much from fouts or ardent...either way could mean mafia, but going over that list i didnt even know fouts was playing...thats why i scanned him...I wont be around, so ill stick to my new prime target that fouts is clear...

Vote Ardent

havent heared more than a short word here or there all game from an ardent who is certainly on the board alot...
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It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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