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Old 03-10-2009, 03:39 PM   #71
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Yeah, I have had a pretty tough run with these stocks. I'm actually going even longer in a couple since the price drops (like Hecla) but overall I have been taking a bath (well, I don't even own any CYNO, I just though it was an intriguing spec play...and I didn't own CAT when I posted my interest, though I have bought some since and lost on it). Of course, I'm not really in any of those companies to sell right away anyhow, so the six-week return isn't really my main focus... and since I do have a fair amount of cash on the sidelines, I'm still okay seeing more value open up for more buying opportunities.

I'd still shill HL to just about anyone who would listen. There's a good deal of noise about this company "diluting" their stock, but they issued stock to buy more mines -- that's not exactly a dilution. Bottom line is they own property on which there are marge deposits of valuable minerals. To me, that's a lot more tangible that "we're the company who makes these funny shoes that happen to be selling well this season." I think long term, metals/mining are not a bad play, and this company has been unfairly punished in the euity markets.

Sorry if you actually made investments based on my speculation (I'm mostly in with you there, if so) but I'm still fairly bullish on most of these picks for the medium to long term, which was the game we were playing, after all.
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